Static Shock Wiki

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Static Shock Wiki
03 (1)
Species Metahuman
(Bang Baby)
Gender Male Male
Status Alive
Professional Status
Powers & Abilities
  • Power Bestowal
  • Power Absorption
Residence Dakota
Behind the Scenes
Debut "Power Play"
Final "Power Play"
Voice Actors Richard Libertini

At my age, it’s rather odd to find oneself a baby again.

Physical Appearance[]


Powers and Abilities[]

Ragtag has the ability to give superpowers to other normal human beings by touch, making them into pseudo bang babies. But the powers he gave were always temporary so his patrons would need to refuel by meeting up with him again constantly. His power also worked in reverse as he could not only give energy but he could also take it away as he tried to do with Static. He could also charge his walking stick with energy for destructive purposes.


As a homeless man, Ragtag made a life for himself as best he could in the docks of Dakota. One night, a pesky teenager appeared and was about to ask him some questions for an extra-credit essay on the homeless population in Dakota; they were both hit by the Big Bang.

Ragtag relocated to the construction site of Stucco City, where he made himself quite a palace on a rooftop. After discovering his power to give powers to others, he recruited the help of "Run" and "Jump", and later also "Push". By making them addicted to their powers, he gained their allegiance, and set them to commit robberies for him. Richie and Static ultimately put an end to Ragtag's operations. While he was able to absorb most of Static's powers, Richie came to his aid. In the fight that followed, Ragtag was thrown into a dumpster; it is unknown what happened to him afterwards.

An old man that was affected by the Big Bang gas, Ragtag is able to give other Bang Baby’s power, but keep none for him. His only real “power” is the ones he holds over the people he gives the powers too; once they wear off, they always return to him. In order to keep getting “fixes” of power, they must steal for him. 

He later discovered that he could do the opposite, temporarily taking another Bang Baby's powers for himself.

Static eventually found out about Ragtag’s powers and took him down with the help of Richie .

Notable Quotes[]





Etymology & Inspirations[]




Hawkins: Virgil Hawkins (Static) | Sharon Hawkins | Robert Hawkins | Jean Hawkins
Foley: Richie Foley (Gear) | Sean Foley | Maggie Foley

Allies: Rubberband Man | She-Bang | Anansi | Dule Jones | Soul Power | Hoop Squad
Neutral: D-Struct | Dwayne McCall | "Tantrum" | Mirage | Permafost | Nails
Recurring Villains: Hotstreak | Ebon | Talon | Shiv | Puff | Onyx | Kangor | Ferret | Carmen Dillo
Minor Villains: Slipstream | Boom | Madelyn Spaulding | Replay | Hyde | Royce Axelrod | Replikon | Ragtag | Leech | Tarmack | Chainlink

Other Villains: Edwin Alva | Specs and Trapper | D.J. Rock | Aaron Price | Professor Menace | Starburst | Heavyman | Timecode | Osebo | Onini | Imgorna | Doctor Odium | Speedwarp | Omnara
Citizens: Frieda Goren | Daisy Watkins | Shelly Sandoval
